Posted by burntmuffin on 16th February 2010

Felt Food – Part Two

My daughter’s felt larder has increased in the form of donuts, sausages, lettuce leaves, and some disastrous looking cupcakes/muffins.

Donuts - chocolate, strawberry & vanilla

The donuts were really fun to make.


  1. Cut out some donut shapes from tan felt – you need 2 for 1 donut. Then cut out 1 “creme” blob with a hole in the middle (white/pink/chocolate felt). Use embroidery thread and sew on “sprinkles”.
  2. Stack of donut parts ready to be assembled.
  3. Stitch the white/pink/chocolate “creme” onto one of the tan donut rings.
  4. Close-up of the stitching – I used a straight stitch for this, but the zig zag stitch (used on the chocolate donut) also works very well.

  1. Stitch around the edges of the “creme”.
  2. Lay the 2nd tan piece on top of the stitched piece and stitch around the outside edge.
  3. This is what it looks like on the wrong side.
  4. Turn out the piece and you end up with an unstuffed donut.

Unfortunately, this is the bit that requires hand-sewing. I tried to sew and then stuff – it required a bit to effort to stuff uniformly. So, stuff as you sew. It’s much easier that way.



Cut some rectangles of tan felt. Use a zigzag stitch to make grill marks. Sew with a straight stitch lengthways. Gather up one end with a sewing needle and thread and secure with a knot. Stuff the sausages and gather and sew up the other end.

Lettuce leaves

"Oak leaf" lettuce?

The picture is pretty self-explanatory. :)

Cupcake/muffin attempt

Failed cupcakes/muffins

The one on the left was my first attempt. The other was my second.

I have to rethink the pattern in my head. My daughter on the other hand, could not care less. She declares they are cupcakes or muffins (depending on what her fancy is that day), and the final word is hers.

Check out my related posts:

  1. Felt Food – Part One
  2. Felt Blueberries and Pancakes
  3. Felt Dumplings
  4. Epicurious

    4 Responses

  1. Mrs sMapps says:

    How about a cake? Divide it up into 6 pieces. Mini sMapps plays with his cake a lot – albeit a wooden one. Love the food.

  2. burntmuffin says:

    Intending to make one, but I ran out of felt. I’m also thinking sushi as Miss S had some (and liked it) for the first time last weekend. :)

  3. Mrs sMapps says:

    Sushi! Miss S is adventurous. Mini sMapps loves teriyaki and tempura but won’t try sushi – yet.

  4. burntmuffin says:

    Miss S will try anything and say it’s “yummy” until Mr K says it’s “yucky”.

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