Archives for "October, 2010"

Posted by burntmuffin on 19th October 2010

Patterns in the mail

I finally caved a bought the Ice Cream Dress pattern by Oliver + S (and the Birthday Party Dress pattern + a Heather Bailey pattern). And they arrived in the mail today! The package was wrapped like a gift: Isn’t that wonderful? I was so impressed! See, I love this sort of thing. Some people [...]

Posted by burntmuffin on 18th October 2010

BAKED brownies

Yep.. this is the 3rd recipe I’ve tried from the Baked book. And I have to admit, I really REALLY wanted to drizzle the tops of the little brownie cakes and the big pan with a LOT of chocolate ganache. But I held back. After all, I’d already used 350 grams of good chocolate in [...]

Posted by burntmuffin on 6th October 2010

Malt-Ball Cake

When I saw this recipe in the Baked book, I thought, “Hmm.. interesting…”. It’s 9:30 pm and I’m waiting for the last of the cupcakes to finish baking so I can make the frosting. See, the husband has to go to work at 2:30 am tomorrow (in 5 hours time), and I thought why not [...]

Posted by burntmuffin on 5th October 2010

Guess what came in the mail today?

I got something in the mail today. It was from hyggeligt fabrics. When I saw the package, I was so excited – the pattern is here! I skipped all the way back into the house. I’ve had my eye on this particular pattern for a few months and because of the competition on, I’ve won [...]

Posted by burntmuffin on 5th October 2010

How to make a boring top not boring

As mentioned in the previous post, I made some white tops for Miss S to go with her skirts. When I showed her the finished tops one morning, she barely looked at them. I was thinking, “Gee gosh, all that work for nothing?”.

Posted by burntmuffin on 3rd October 2010

It’s spring… feels like summer though

It has been a long while since I’ve sat down and blogged. The weather has turned nice (no more rain, yay!) and Miss S and I have been playing on the deck and just hanging out. She turned 3 the other week and it won’t be long before she’s off to kindy. I can’t believe [...]